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Backpack Beds for Homeless provide a lasting legacy from Rockwell’s conference

The great folks from Rockwell Automation have recently conducted an international conference on Australia’s sunny Gold Coast.

Determined to have their team experience something more than the usual cliched conference team build, they booked one our ‘Street Survivor’ charity team building events.

Street Survivor has teams engage in a fun and competitive series of team challenge tasks utilising the best locations of the conference destination. The selected activities are highly tailored to suit the needs of the team, and the desired key learning outcomes.

On this occasion Surfers Paradise offered a wealth of great locations including the beach, parks and lively Cavil Avenue precinct.

The culmination of the event sees teams apply their hard-earned points and tokens to acquire award winning Backpack Beds for Homeless that are shipped immediately to needy frontline charities working with the homeless.

These items provide immediate comfort, safety and dignity to people in need on the streets. The great folks from Rockwell donated 12 beds from this event that will be deployed with The Red Cross, Rosies and The Gold Coast Homeless Hub.

To support this great cause please visit their website you can even go to their store and donate your very own bed.

Thanks to the team at Rockwell who have provided some meaningful help to people on the streets.

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