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Sabre is a Belbin Team Roles Regional Rep
Sabre is delighted to have been appointed by Belbin UK as a Regional representative for the world-renowned model and all associated products and services.
We have been using the Belbin Model since 1989 and have truly found it to be amongst the most pragmatic and effective tools that we have ever deployed for team and leadership development.
Belbin profiles and reports can be used for team building, leadership development, talent management, culture change, recruiting, conflict resolution and much more. Sabre has used Belbin with a myriad of different corporate, government, defence and sporting clients with great success.
Using the very latest evolution of the Interplace system, eIinterplace 7, we can provide cleints with rapid turnaround on individual and team profiles, provision of their own online accounts or outright sale and support for them to purchase and operate their very own eInterplace 7 systems and online accounts.
Sabre also offers official Accreditation in the Belbin Model for L&D, HR and other interested profesisonals. This is a 2 day course that equips participants with a wealth of knowledge on the model and how to deploy it in their day to day work.
Check out our dedicated Belbin team Roles website at
There are also plenty of other news stories and articles at our main company site

Fun with Shiny Things
Sabre has many great corporate business games, simulations and events that are based around exciting historical themes such as our When in Rome, Viking Saga and Silk Road concepts.
As well as having an emphasis on engagement, relevance to important business themes and learning outcomes we have also strived for authenticity as much as possible in the props, costumes etc worn and used by our facilitators and participants on these event constructs.
With quality and authenticity in mind we sought out the best in the business, Esford Armouries, who are world-class suppliers to historical re-enactors / living historians, museums and film and television for quality historical props, costumes and weapons.
The biggest challenge we ever seem to have on our buying trips is getting some of the Sabre members (no names Mr T, Mr F and Mr S) to stop playing with things that they shouldn't and then actually leaving when it's time to go home.
If you love shiny things with style and historical accuracy check out their site at .