Just when things started to be looking up, these new outbreaks bring increased physical and psychological setbacks to events.
The reality is that people are now well and truly ‘Zoomed Out’. Most realise that online mediums simply cannot engender the inter-personal chemistry that underpins quality working relationships.
Remaining purely online damages working relationships, as does trying to maintain hybrid teams. Whilst good leadership and communications can minimise the impacts, face-to-face interaction will always be the best way to enhance team dynamics and team performance.
We have been running online solutions for some clients, but live events are by far the best option. They must of course be conducted safely and in accord with OHS protocols for COVID.
It does seem that the pandemic will keep COVID-Safe event practices well and truly in place for some time yet, and so it’s critical to get it right.
We have put a great deal of effort into the design of numerous team building formats that can be delivered in COVID-Safe formats so that teams can reconnect face-to-face, but in a safe manner.
Amongst the simple steps required are:
Event staff being COVID trained
Social distance modified activity formats and rules
Room and outdoor site layouts that permit social distancing to be maintained
Plenty of hand sanitiser and PPE available
Thorough cleaning and careful handling of activity props and materials
Clients can benefit a great deal from the advantages that only live events can bring. They just need to be responsible about who delivers them and how they plan to go about delivering them to ensure compliance with COVID- safe event protocols.
To find out more call us on 1300 731 381 or email Admin@SabreHQ.com
