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A blast from the past. Just a little bit of history repeating.

In the midst of yet another time of great change we have just found some old copies of our 90's newsletters on file. In terms of change, from the recession of the 90's to 911 and the GFC we've now seen a few come and go.

In 1999 of course the newsletters were mailed old-school in hard copy and the burning issues that we were looking into revolved around clicking over into the year 2000. We'd just sponsored and worked with the famous General 'Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf and were facing a possible Y2K apocalypse. Big changes in management and team development were also in full swing.

They were strange but exciting times. Some things change, some things remain the same.

Yet again we face challenges and change, and yet again we'll come out the other side having learned something and doing things differently. Usually we find that it's all for the best in the long run.

To have a better read and a nostalgic laugh heres a bigger version....


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