Sabre has recently welcomed a beautifully restored WW2 Military White Scout Car to our growing pool of combat vehicles deployed for military themed corporate team building events, film and television work and also in support of community and Veterans welfare events.
We have proudly accepted custodianship of the vehicle from the 2/14 Light Horse (QMI) Armoured Corps Heritage Association.
Since 1988 Sabre has delivered many corporate team building events and conference based business games within a military theme. In fact the "Strike Force" was Sabre's very first corporate event theme, and we have run them successfully every year since.
The military theme is a very useful format for addressing teamwork, leadership, decision-making and coping with complex and highly competitive environments.
We often use a variety of authentic military vehicles and props to enhance the impact of of these approaches whether they be aimed at conference fun or to deliver high-end team and leadership development outcomes. These events don't have any of the physical intensity of real military training, but rather seek to impart in a fun and inclusive way some of the more useful insights into teamwork, leadership and communication.
Whilst we now work within many other genre for team building sessions such as art, fashion, film and reality TV it's the military theme that arguably still has the most impressive props to use for that "wow factor".
These great vehicles occasionally also get an outing for movie and promotional work.