DISC Assessment
DISC is a tool that purports to measure behavior and it is based on the theories of psychologist William Moulton Marston.
His original theory addresses four different personality traits…
Marston published a book called “The Emotions of Normal people” in 1928 where he submitted that people’s behavior is driven by these four major traits.
Although he created this theory, he actually never intended it be used as a behavioural tool, instrument or model.
It was actually an Industrial Psychologist Walter Clarke who turned DISC into an assessment in 1956 via his Vector Analysis which invited people to select / rate statements and adjectives that believed to be true of themselves before selection / recruitment.
There are now many different (sometimes conflicting) versions of the model and self assessment tools in existence and users are cautioned to conduct their own careful due diligence on the validity of the tool they are using.
The 4 major traits of DISC in brief are…
Perceives oneself as more powerful than the environment, and perceives the environment as unfavorable.
Perceives oneself as more powerful than the environment, and perceives the environment as favorable.
Perceives oneself as less powerful than the environment, and perceives the environment as favorable.
Perceives oneself as less powerful than the environment, and perceives the environment as unfavorable.